Heading Away On Holiday? 25 Tips To Help You

 7th December 2017 

Written by Selina Allen

Whether you are taking off on a family road trip around New Zealand, visiting family members for the Christmas break or jet-setting away to some exotic tropical destination (not jealous at all!) - follow these tips to ensure a smooth, safe and stress-free holiday for all!

"The best things in life are the people we love...the places we've been...and the memories we've made along the way."

image: sunglasses sitting on sand at beach

1. Pay your bills!

Pay any bills (or set up automatic payments) that will be due while you are away. Christmas and holidays are already expensive enough without added late payment fees and penalties!


2. Clear your letterbox.

Arrange to have a neighbour or friend clear your letterbox of mail, and keep an eye on your house while you're gone.

3. Deter burglars.

Look into setting timers so a light or two turns on at night — and off during the day. Even a bit of music or tv noise can deter wannabe burglars.


4. Think about your pets.

Sort a pet-sitter or boarding kennels/cattery for your beloved furry family members.


5. Save energy.

Look at how you can save energy while you’re not there. As well as switching off at the wall, unplug any appliances that don’t need to stay on e.g. Toaster, Microwave, TV, PC, Washing Machine…


6. Hide your things!

Close the curtains on any windows that may provide direct vision right inside your house.


7. Don't come home to a stinking fridge...

Empty the fridge and cupboards of any perishable food that is likely to go bad before you get home. Give it to someone in need if it’s still useable.


8. Tidy up.

Clear the dishwasher and benches of any dishes, the last thing you want to do when you get home from a relaxing getaway is housework!


9. Don't forget your medicines.

Ensure you have enough of any medication you or your family members may be taking, including asthma inhalers.


10. Do you have house plants?

Water your indoor plants. If you really love them, invest in some self-watering pots or systems.


11. Check your checklist.

Make a checklist of any items you may need to buy to take with you (sunscreen, insect repellent, gift for grandma etc.).


12. Alarms and Smart Home Devices.

If you have an alarm or smart home device, notify the company of when you will be away. Leave instructions with the person you have arranged to keep an eye on your house too, in case of an emergency. (Check that these details have been recorded in your LifeLot account).


13. Do your laundry.

Check the laundry and washing machine (bathroom, under the kids beds..) for wet clothes, there’s nothing worse than walking in to THAT smell after a week or two! It’s also a nice idea to wash and change bed sheets so they are fresh on your return.


14. Give your itinerary to someone.

Leave an itinerary of your trip with a close friend or family member.


15. Keep your house safe.

Remove any spare house keys you may have hidden outside (hopefully you do NOT keep one under the doormat!)


16. Prepare your sinks and drains.

Sprinkle some baking soda in toilets and down the sink drains to avoid coming home to the stench of stagnant water.


17. Have all your documents organised.

If travelling overseas, check you have all the documentation you need and keep it together in one safe place – Passports, travel insurance, boarding passes etc. (Document as much as possible in your LifeLot account as well, so you have 24/7 access from anywhere).


18. Stock up on snacks...

Water bottles, books, and activities (especially if you aren’t as enthused about 3 hours of Eye Spy as the 4-year-old!) Anything else that will keep the ‘Are we there yet?’ at bay...pack it. And by ‘stock up’ I mean grab what you think you’ll need, and then double it! 😊


19. Charge phones/tablets/laptops.

Make sure you pack the charger somewhere accessible. If travelling by car, it’s a good idea to have a car charger…just in case.


20. Store important phone numbers.

Save important contact numbers in your phone (Airline, Hotel, Rental Car Company, Uncle Bobs best friend Jack whose back lawn you're camping on etc...you get the idea!)


21. Take a first aid kit.

Pack a small first aid kit with basic essentials – plasters, tweezers, Panadol, safety pins and what not, you never know when you will need it! Consider packing a comprehensive kit if you have accident prone people with you.  


22. Pack some wet wipes.

Always keep a pack of wet wipes in the glovebox, another item you’ll be surprised at when you will need. Most important if you have young (or old) kids. Think Maccas Ice Cream on a hot summers day, in the car…!


23. Prepare for rubbish collection.

Empty the inside rubbish bins and arrange to have your bin/bag put out for collection on your scheduled rubbish day.


24. Sort out how you will get to the airport.

Don’t forget to arrange a ride to the airport, if you aren’t planning to leave your car there. Consider your flight times, does your friend/family member really want to be picking you up at 2am in the morning?


25. And most importantly – stay safe and have fun!

Relax and enjoy the time spent with your loved ones. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Make memories, take plenty of photos, start new traditions, tell stories.

Don’t just soak up the sun, soak up the precious moments with your family and friends, this is what holidays are all about. 

From the Life-brary: PRINT THIS LIST

Related: What is a Great Gift To Give To Your Loved Ones? | 22 Things To Ask Your Parents These Holidays | 10 Family Tradition Ideas

image: family holding hands on beach at sunset


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