About LifeLot

How a busy life of paperwork and stress sparked the birth of an exciting new venture

Angela Calver started working for McDonald’s in 2000. In 2002 she was blessed with a son Mason, and shortly after in 2003 her daughter Cydnee arrived. Fast forward a few years and Angela had become a single mum, working full-time in an expanded regional role with McDonalds - covering 39 Countries.

Angela CalverAngela was away from home travelling for work every 6 weeks, managing a child with a learning disability and running a busy household. Add two aging parents to the mix Angela was kept very busy.

And then Life got even busier! Due to their failing health, Angela became her Mum and Dad’s enduring power of attorney and WINZ delegate. The paperwork increased. 

The wrap around services for her son were great and many agencies worked to assist with his learning disabilities. The paperwork increased.

Angela purchased a home and shortly thereafter a rental property. The paperwork increased.

Making big life changes and forging forward to make a comfortable life for her family. The paperwork increased.

Trying to find the necessary documents and support material for various trusted professionals like lawyers, doctors, financial advisors, and also schools and agencies. The stress increased.

Angela's Dad passed away. Finding all of Mum and Dad’s legal, financial and medical paperwork to finalise dad’s estate and move her Mum into a rest home. The stress increased.

So many more passwords and gadget logins to manage our life these days and trying to remember and/or record them all. The stress increased.

About LifeLot - Life is full of twists and turns

There is so much more to life these days! An idea on how to "manage the more" sparked in Angela’s mind.

In 2015 Angela's sister Deanna became ill with terminal cancer and there were important and courageous conversations that needed to take place. Deanna was less than interested about having these conversations. The stress increased. The spark that was to become LifeLot ignited into a small flickering flame.

While Deanna was sick Angela was made redundant from a global role with McDonalds. The time was right for that flickering flame that Angela had been nurturing to burst into a full on inferno!  Together with bespoke web developers BeWeb, LifeLot was born. 

A note from Ange:

I now keep track of all of the various aspects of my life in my LifeLot account and have been doing so for nearly a year. Knowing exactly where to find insurance documents, mortgage documents, the children’s school documents, CV’s or my passwords has been a life-changer.

My chosen delegates can access my information if something happens to me and I have an Advanced Care Plan completed and stored. The stress decreases.

LifeLot has made me exponentially more efficient and I have more time to enjoy life now that I have reached the Big 5-O. I know if there is a fire, my computer dies, there is a natural disaster, or my home computer is hacked, everything important about my life is stored safely and can be accessed anytime, anywhere with an internet connection.

Because my LifeLot delegates can access my information when given permission, if I get sick or pass away, those who will be hurting the most will know exactly what I want/wanted, and that they are super special to me. Managing life’s administration utilising LifeLot decreases life's stresses.

Our team has created a highly secure personal database. Built by Kiwis for Kiwis. We built LifeLot to help in daily life and in times of stress - it's a real stress buster. We built LifeLot because there is a lot more to life these days.

I hope you get as much out of LifeLot as Selina, Amanda, the BeWeb team and myself have put into it. Click here to meet the LifeLot Team.

Related: Shining a Light

About LifeLot


Have a question about LifeLot? Check our Frequently Asked Questions, we may have already answered it there. If not, then email us admin@lifelot.co.nz.  Good old phone calls work too – give us a ring on 09 950 4707.

We want the LifeLot experience to be a pleasant one, if you have any suggestions for improvements, drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you.


It's simple to set up, free to try, and it can make a world of difference for your family if something happens to you.